Eposter Gallery - Auditory Implants

Auditory Implants S176 > Eposter Gallery - Auditory Implants Eposter Gallery Auditory Implants

P061 Cochlear nerve diameter and cochlear implant outcome in postlingual deaf adults > S. Sumru KECELI (Linkoping) P062 Effectiveness of Bone Conduction Hearing Aids in young children with congenital aural Atresia and Microtia > P. Piotr H. SKARZYNSKI P063 Cochlear implantation in children with congenital malformations of the mastoid process > P. Piotr H. SKARZYNSKI P064 A case report of Riboflavin Treatment and Cochlear Implants in a 4-year-old girl with progressive hearing loss and delayed speech development: Brown-Vialetto-Van Laere Syndrome > P. Piotr H. SKARZYNSKI P065 Asynchronous internet-based triage for pediatric clinical monitoring of CI recipients > E. Edoardo CARINI P066 In-vivo re-magnetization of a cochlear implant magnet using 3T magnetic resonance imaging > F. Francisco ROPERO ROMERO (Seville) P067 Evaluation of functional results of cochlear implantation ; our experience > O. Omar OULGHOUL (Marrakech) P068 Music perception and musical abilities of prelingualy deaf children with cochlear implants > E. Eugenijus LESINSKAS (Vilnius) P069 Making pre-operative assessments inclusive for adults from different cultural and ethnic populations > D. Deborah VICKERS (Cambridge) P070 Quality of life in late implanted prelingually deaf patients: parents' perspective > M. Mohammed RAMI (Marrakech) P071 Cochlear implants: challenges in incomplete impartition type III > M. Mariapaola GUIDI (Firenze) P072 Increasing access to cochlear implants through a multi-stakeholder approach > P. Patrick D'HAESE (Innsbruck) P073 Profil étiologique de la surdité neurosensorielle chez l’enfant A propos de 450 cas > Z. Zineb SARDA (Marrakech) P074 Cochlear implantation in adults > J. Jihene GHARSALLI (Tunis) P075 Sequential Cochlear Implantation in long term auditory deprivation in prelingual hearing loss > L. Luiz LOURENCONE (Bauru) P076 CT-Based Mapping at Initial Activation: A Longitudinal Study of Music and Speech Perception > M. Melanie Lucile GILBERT P077 Late Cochlear Implantation in Congenital Profound Deafness in Children > F. Fatima Ezzahra RIZKOU (Marrakech) P078 Intraoperative Voltagematrix for detecting tip fold over or basal kinkings in cochlear implants > A. Annett FRANKE-TRIEGER (Dresden) P079 AUDITO: A web-based listening test system for auditory research with cochlear implant recipients > T. Tobias GOEHRING (Cambridge) P080 Exploring Temporal Mechanisms of Pitch Perception Using the Apical Electrodes of a Cochlear Implant > R. Robert CARLYON (Cambridge) P081 Identification of potential candidates for CI in large database of hearing aids users > C. Catherine BOITEUX (Paris) P082 Expert Opinion on Candidacy for Bone Conduction Implants > M. Maja OLSSON (Gothenburg) P083 Growth in device use after Bonebridge placement under expanded indications: Implications for early auditory experience > C. Caitlin SAPP (Chapel Hill) P084 Evaluating Speech Audibility with ADHEAR: Enhancing Audibility Measurements through a Skull Simulator Adaptor. > B. Bill HODGETTS (Edmonton) P085 Adults using Cochlear Implant: Assessment of Hearing and Speech Perception > G. Graça Cristina OLIVEIRA P086 How Frequency-based Processing May Help Clinicians Improve Sound Quality Perception in Cochlear Implant Users > L. Louis VILLEJOUBERT (Cambridge) P087 Sound localization in sequential cochlear implant users. Preliminary results from a multicentric longitudinal study > S. Sara GHISELLI (Piacenza) P088 Getting More Auditory-Nerve Bang For Your Facial-Nerve Buck: Effects Of Pulse Shape On Loudness And Facial-Nerve Activation In Cochlear-Implant Listeners > J. John DEEKS (Cambridge) P089 Perception of social support by adults scheduled for cochlear implantation > A. Anita OBRYCKA (Warsaw) P090 Effects of wind noise reduction on speech perception with the MED-EL Sonnet cochlear implant audio processor > G. Guido REETZ (Kassel) P091 Can an unaided localization ability be a predictor of CI squelch benefit in patients with residual hearing in the implanted ear > A. Artur LORENS (Warsaw) P092 Rehabilitation with cochlear implants in children: the role of the family > H. Helena ALVES (Coimbra) P093 Interobserver variability of cochlear duct measurements in pediatric cochlear implant candidates > F. Fuad BRKIC (Tuzla) P094 ASSESSMENT OF TAMIL SPEAKING COCHLEAR IMPLANT CHILDREN USING EARLY SPEECH PERCEPTION TEST IN TAMIL (ESPT) > G. Gladys Prathiba DAWSON (Chennai) P095 Speech perception in noise for cochlear impant recipients with ForwardFocus > S. Seunghyeok LEE P096 Analysis of intraoperative trauma of Slim Modiolar electrode > H. Hannah DAOUDI (Saint Mandeparis) P097 Subjective and audiological benefit of BONEBRIDGE (BCI602) with two different fitting strategies > M. Miryam CALVINO (Madrid) P098 Barriers to Early Progress in Adult Cochlear Implant Outcomes > M. Mathieu MARX (France) P100 Long term results after cochlear implantation in elderly patients > F. Francesca FORLI (Pisa) P101 Cochlear implant under 3 years old: off-the-ear or behind-the-ear processor: wich is the best? > F. Fanny MERKLEN (Palavas) P102 Five years of outcomes and innovation with the Osia system: a systematic literature review > M. Maja OLSSON (Gothenburg) P103 A long-term comparison of impedance and pulse widths changes between the Contour Advanced and the Slim Straight cochlear implant in children > A. Andreas BJÖRSNE (Gothenburg) P104 Large cohort analysis over clinical objective measurements, fittings and manufacturers of cochlear implants > J. Jenny BLUM P105 Evaluating changes in ECAP thresholds from morning to evening in a longitudinal study > A. Astrid KLINGE-STRAHL (Göttingen) P106 Influence of individualized mapping procedures for cochlear implant recipients > M. Margaret DILLON (Chapel Hill) P107 Improved auditory performance in noise for bilateral cochlear implant recipients with asymmetrical electrode array placement > R. Renato TORRES (Paris) P108 Long-term follow-up of the Bone Conduction Implant > S. Sabine REINFELDT (Gothenburg) P109 Investigating the Impact of Electrical Cochlear Stimulation Level and Site on the Electrically Evoked Auditory Brainstem Response in Long Electrode Array Cochlear Implant Recipients > D. David P. HERRMANN P110 A hybrid FEM and experimental study on the relation between temporal bone 3D motion and intracochlear pressure under bone conduction. > C. Christof ROOSLI (Zurich) P111 Investigation of the Skull Bone Sound Waves under Bone Conduction In-vivo > C. Christof ROOSLI (Zurich) P112 Using artificial intelligence for the enhancement of speech in noise perception in typical-hearing adults > A. Anne VAN ALPHEN (Nijmegen) P113 (Intractable) Localization-related symptomatic epilepsy in a patient with Bilateral Cochlear implant: A Case Report > M. Maha AL SULAITEEN (Doha) P114 Candidacy for Cochlear Implantation in Prelingual Profoundly Deaf Adult Patients > G. Ghizlene LAHLOU (Paris) P115 Unveiling the Performance of the an Automatic Classifier in Varied Acoustic Settings for Pediatric Cochlear Implant Recipients: Insights from Virtual Classrooms > J. Jantien VROEGOP (Rotterdam) P116 Effect of an ambient noise reduction algorithm on speech perception as a function of noise type in cochlear implant users > V. Verena MÜLLER (Cologne) P117 Cochlear Implantation in children with auditory neuropathy spectrum disorders in Kazakhstan > M. Mariya KIRILLOVA (Almaty) P118 Cochlear implant electrode displacement: a case series > A. Abdukhalil MUSAEV P119 Anatomy-based fitting in experienced cochlear implant users: a success story? > A. Anja KURZ (Würzburg) P120 Evolution of environmental sound perception in cochlear implanted children > A. Anne LASFARGUES-DELANNOY (Toulouse) P121 Determination of the role of AutoRT thresholds in setting up SONNET 2 and RONDO 3 speech processors in a pediatric cochlear implant system > D. Dildora MADJITOVA (Tashkent) P122 The impact of changing the parameters of the "sonnet 2" speech processor in the cochlear implantation system in children > D. Dildora MADJITOVA (Tashkent) P123 Unilateral vs. Bilateral Evaluation of Speech Recognition in CI-Candidates > U. Ulrich HOPPE (Erlangen) P124 Neural responses in cochlear implant users: Fitting implications in distinct age groups > A. Ana FALISTOCCO P125 Cochlear implantation is suitable for outpatient surgery in children of all ages, even infants. > F. Fabrice MICALETTI (37000) P126 Application of Voice Extraction technology in assessing speech intelligibility in adult patients after cochlear implantation > A. Anna BALAKINA (Moscow) P127 Successful cochlear implantation under local anesthesia in a patient after heart transplantation on meringue at City Clinical Hospital No. 5 of Almaty: a clinical case. > N. Nailya TULEPBEKOVA (Almaty) P128 Rehabilitation Intervention for Speech Intelligibility in Children with Bimodal Implants: A Case Study > L. Li YIN P129 The interplay of Forward Focus and Advanced Combination Encoder CI coding strategies in noisy conditions > T. Torsten RAHNE (Halle (Saale)) P130 Validation of the English language version of the Hearing Loss Quality of Life Questionnaire > J. Jenna FELDER (Durham) P131 Programming auditory brainstem implants in children: old ideas rethought > A. Anja KURZ (Würzburg) P132 Cochlear implant extrusion due to internal magnet allergy > M. Margherita BETTINI (Modena) P133 Advancing Cochlear Implant Programming: X-ray Guided Anatomy-Based Fitting > A. Asma ALAHMADI (Makkah) P134 Amusia and its implication on speech perception in pediatric cochlear implant users > S. Sanjay MUNJAL P135 Parental Experiences of the Parent-to-Parent Support Group Throughout Their Children’s Cochlear Implantation Journey: A Preliminary Finding > T. Tang Zhi LIM (Kuala Lumpur) P136 Simultaneous cochlear implantation with early endoscopic surgery in small acoustic neuroma > M. Moon INSEOK P137 Surveillance of Vestibular Schwannoma through Magnetic Resonance Imaging under Cochlear Implantation condition > I. Inseok MOON (Seoul) P138 Electrical stimulation as a treatment for tinnitus: long-term study in adults > J. Juan Carlos FALCÓN-GONZÁLEZ

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