Eposter Gallery - Cognition

Cognition S180 > Eposter Gallery - Cognition Eposter Gallery Cognition

P250 Symptoms of auditory processing disorders (APD) in children with tinnitus > P. Piotr H. SKARZYNSKI P251 Normative values for test of central auditory processing disorder in children aged from 6 to 12 years old > P. Piotr H. SKARZYNSKI P252 Aging, Hearing Loss, and Cognitive Decline > S. Sophia TURBYVILLE (Louisville) P253 Exploring the Association between Cognitive and Auditory Status across different Hearing Profiles > B. Brenda VILLARREAL-GARZA (Seville) P254 “It’s an isolating experience to have people around you but not be able to communicate with them”: a qualitative study on the management of co-existing dementia and hearing loss in social care settings > E. Emma BROOME (Nottingham) P255 Exploring the link between hearing loss and cognitive decline in adults over 60: a pilot study > K. Kyla MUNOZ GALARZA (Bradford) P256 Translation of the Vanderbilt Fatigue Scale (VFS-Peds) into Brazilian Portuguese > R. Regina JACOB (Bauru) P257 Hearing evaluation is integral in in assessment of cognitive decline in older adults > S. Seung Ho SHIN (Seoul) P258 Post-intervention performance on a general cognitive assessment compared to pre-fit baseline in first time hearing aid users > S. Sigrid SCHERPIET P259 Attitudes toward smartphone-based self hearing test among mild cognitive impairment population; A mixed method study > N. Nattawan UTOOMPRURKPORN (Bangkok) P260 Assessing and training auditory and cognitive processing in older adults with mild cognitive impairment > J. Joan LEUNG (Auckland) P261 Clinical Pathways for Patients with Mild Cognitive Impairment or Dementia in UK Audiology Services: A Qualitative Study > A. Aaron CHITTY (Nottingham) P262 Evaulation of Listening Effort in Individuals With Single Sided Deafness > I. Irem ISIK (Ankara) P263 Shaping future research about co-existing dementia and hearing conditions: Adapting the James Lind Alliance Priority Setting Partnership process to support inclusivity. > S. Sian CALVERT (Nottingham) P264 The dynamics of auditory working memory impairment in primary progressive aphasia and Alzheimer’s disease > D. Doris Eva BAMIOU (London) P265 Speech comprehension in reverberant virtual soundscapes in logopenic aphasia and Alzheimer’s disease > D. Doris Eva BAMIOU (London) P266 Exploring Listening Effort in Adults: An Overlapping Dual-Task Paradigm in Multi-Talker Babble Noise > J. Julia SEITZ (Aachen) P267 HEaring and LIstening eXperience: HELIX – Harnessing participatory design to develop and evaluate a new auditory-cognitive training app > E. Emily FROST (London) P268 Development of Hearing Care Intervention Educational Materials for Dementia Healthcare Providers > C. Chanbeom KWAK P269 Ecological Momentary Assessment in Adolescents with and without Hearing Aids > E. Elizabeth WALKER (Iowa City) P270 Exploring Prioritization Strategies in a Dual-Task Paradigm for Listening Effort > K. Katrien KESTENS (Ghent) P271 Auditory Processing Disorder in Greek Elderly Population > T. Theano KOUTSIMANI (Kozani) P273 The Effects of Age, Sleep, and Hearing on the Ease and Effectiveness of Communication, and the Role of Cognitive Resources > S. Stephanie LOUKIEH (Manchester) P274 A Nationwide Population-based Study of Association between Age-related Hearing Loss and Cognitive Disorder in Korea. > M. Min Chae JEON (Seoul) P275 How Does a History of Otitis Media with Effusion Impact Spatial Auditory Processing and Listening Effort in Children? > R. Riki TAITELBAUM-SWEAD (Givat Shmuel) P276 Hearing intervention for decreasing risk of developing dementia in elders with mild cognitive impairment: study protocol of a multicenter randomized controlled trial for Chinese Hearing Solution for Improvement of Cognition in Elders (CHOICE) > Y. Ying CHEN (Shanghai) P277 Cognitive Performance and Quality of Life in Elderly with Hearing Loss: Use and Non-Use of a Hearing Aid > R. Ramida DINDAMRONGKUL (Songkhla) P278 Addressing a leading dementia risk factor by integrating hearing screening into memory care admission protocols for older adults > M. Marilyn REED (Toronto) P279 Are central auditory processing skills in middle aged adults different from young ones? > F. Fereshteh BAGHERI (Babol)

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