Eposter Gallery - Hearing Aids

Hearing Aids S183 > Eposter Gallery - Hearing Aids Eposter Gallery Hearing Aids

P284 Hearing aid parameters among first time users in China > L. Lena L N WONG P285 Hearing aid fitting to listen to music > B. Bernard HUGON (Paris) P286 The history and future of Person-Centred Hearing Care > M. Mark LAUREYNS (Sint Niklaas) P287 Auditory Rehabilitation in Rare Neurological Disorders > K. Komul VAGHELA P288 Functional health literacy of people with hearing impairment and their caregivers assisted in a public hearing healthcare service. > L. Letícia Da Costa SANTOS P289 Affordability of Hearing Aids for Asian Americans in the United States > K. Kaylee WIMBERLEY P290 Development and usability of a theory-based text-messaging intervention to support people with hearing loss when they are first prescribed hearing aids > E. Emma BROOME (Nottingham) P291 Treatment for Diabetic Patients Presenting to a Community Hearing Aid Bank > C. Carole JOHNSON (Edmond) P292 Exploring sound environment self-reports from hearing-aid users: Insights and implications for clinical feasibility > M. Marianna VATTI (Copenhagen) P293 Real-life preferences of hearing-aid users for adjustment of advanced features > M. Marianna VATTI (Copenhagen) P294 Frequency lowering and ski slope hearingloss > B. Benoit LOONSTEEN P295 Applying the science of health behaviour change to improve hearing aid use: from theory to practice > H. Helen HENSHAW (Nottingham) P296 It's All About the Connections: Bluetooth Low Energy Audio Direct Streaming From a PC > J. Jill MECKLENBURGER (Chicago) P297 Welcome to the Real World: Using EMA as an Outcome Measure in an Australian Market Trial > J. Jill MECKLENBURGER (Chicago) P298 Effectiveness of the Active Communication Education Program in Improving The Generic Quality of Life of Older Adults Who Use Hearing Aids: A Randomized Clinical Trial > E. Eduardo FUENTES-LÓPEZ (Santiago) P299 The Effects of Omnidirectional and M&RIE Directionality Technologies on Speech Intelligibility in Noise > A. Ahmet Alperen AKBULUT (Istanbul) P300 Exploring alternate modes of hearing service delivery to address the barriers and opportunities in hearing care uptake: a scoping review > H. Harini MADHU (Glasgow) P302 Tympanic Membrane Perforation and Real-Ear Measurements > F. Franz ZENKER (Santa Cruz De Tenerife) P303 Hearing outcomes after otosclerosis treatment with hearing aid compared to stapedotomy: Preliminary results from a prospective intervention study > A. Andreas BJÖRSNE (Gothenburg) P304 Effect of attitudes toward hearing loss and hearing aids on the risk of device abandonment among older adults fitted in the Chilean public health sector > E. Eduardo FUENTES-LÓPEZ (Santiago) P305 Interaction effect of self-efficacy and joint problems on hearing aid abandonment among older adults > E. Eduardo FUENTES-LÓPEZ (Santiago) P306 Experiences of Audiologists While Counselling and Fitting of Hearing Aid in Geriatric Population: A Qualitative Study > A. Ahmet Alperen AKBULUT (Istanbul) P307 Word recognition in sentence context in background noise: Speech Spectrum Noise and Multi Talker Babble Noise. A comparative study > M. María Lorena LÓPEZ VALENCIA (Córdoba) P308 Retrospective study of hearing aids effectiveness on hearing impaired people with tinnitus on first clinical appointment > L. Liping ZHANG (Shanghai) P309 Multidisciplinary hearing rehabilitation and quality of life? > P. Pierre SAFAR P310 Multidisciplinary hearing rehabilitation and quality of life? > Y. Yasmine BOUALLOUCHE P311 Hearing aid adoption, use and satisfaction: A survey in Quebec and France. > M. Mathieu HOTTON (Québec) P312 A randomised controlled trial evaluating hearing aid knowledge and the effects of information leaflets with and without illustrations > M. Marie ÖBERG (Linköping) P313 Hearing, hearing aids and their connection to postural control and balance. What do we know and how robust are the findings? > L. Limor LAVIE (Tel-Aviv) P314 Patterns of Request of After-Service among Different Types of Hearing Aids > J. Joong Ho HO AHN (Seoul) P315 Unveiling the Efficacy of ReSound M&RIE Receiver: Internal and External Research Insights > M. Megan QUILTER (Chicago) P316 Hearing Accessibility for Physical Activity and Group Exercise Participation: Role of Hearing Aid Physical Fit and Instructor Microphones > M. Mohamed RAHME (London) P317 la fin du dB HL pour le réglage des aides auditives > X. Xavier CARRIOU (Angers) P318 The frailty concept in hearing science - implications for hearing rehabilitation > T. Theresa NÜSSE (Germany) P319 Hearing Aid Teleaudiology Services: Tools to Creating Confident Teleaudiology Providers > J. Julie PURDY (San Diego) P320 Healthcare professionals´ knowledge, skills and information needs on residents´ hearing loss and hearing aids: a cross-sectional study > M. Mattias BERGSTRÖM ANDRÉN (Karlstad) P321 The Key to Patient Satisfaction and Business Growth: An Ethical Approach to Fitting Hearing Technology. > O. Oliver VON BORSTEL (Burgh-Haamstede) P322 Living with combined vision and hearing loss: what difference does the hearing make? > J. Jenny WIDMARK (Göteborg) P323 Comparing Self-Fitting Strategies for Over-the-Counter Hearing Aids: A Crossover Trial > M. Megan KNOETZE (Pretoria) P324 Self-reported hearing aid expectations – a qualitative exploration > N. Nausheen DAWOOD (Pretoria) P325 Color Limitations in Over-the-counter Amplification: Colorism in Hearing Aids > F. Faulkner SAM

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