Eposter Gallery - Innovative Technologies and Translational Therapies

Innovative Technologies and Translational Therapies S184 > Eposter Gallery - Innovative Technologies and Translational Therapies Eposter Gallery Innovative Technologies and Translational Therapies

P037 Role of topical antibiotic ointment in the lateral graft following underlay myringoplasty. A prospective randomised study > Z. Zhengcai LOU (Yiwu) P327 Detect, Predict, Prevent: Using Statistical Modeling to Forecast and Monitor Ototoxic Hearing Loss > J. J. Riley DEBACKER P328 Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation and tinnitus: A randomized, double-blind, and placebo-controlled clinical trial > M. Mariana LOPES MARTINS (João Pessoa) P329 Treatment of hearing loss with stapedotomy in a patient with Ehlers-Danlos syndrome > P. Piotr H. SKARZYNSKI P330 The Bonebridge BCI 602 Active Transcutaneous Bone Conduction Implant in children – objective and subjective benefits > P. Piotr H. SKARZYNSKI P331 Stapedotomy in Congenital Stapes Ankylosis with Mobile Footplate > P. Piotr H. SKARZYNSKI P332 Results of surgical treatment of unilateral and bilateral otosclerosis in children > P. Piotr H. SKARZYNSKI P333 Effectiveness of Surgical Approach of Insertion Ventilation Tubes (Tympanostomy) and Adenoidectomy in Comparison with Non-Surgical Approach (Watchful Waiting Approach) in Children at the Age between 1 – 6, Who Suffer from Otitis Media with Effusion (OME) in 12-Month Period of Observation > P. Piotr H. SKARZYNSKI P334 Remote Check as a tele-health instrument for cochlear implant recipients: Analysis of impact and feasibility of application > D. Davide BROTTO (Padova) P335 The Role of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy in the Treatment of Sudden Hearing Loss > J. Jihene GHARSALLI (Tunis) P336 Self-adjusted hearing aid settings for the virtual hearing clinic > L. Lena SCHELL-MAJOOR (Oldenburg) P337 A boothless hearing test system for telehealth diagnostics > O. Odile CLAVIER (Hanover Nh) P338 Speech Perception in Noise: A Clinical Trial on Digital Microphone Systems and Hearing Accessibility App > R. Regina JACOB (Bauru) P339 Whole person hearing healthcare: A qualitative study of innovation and regulation in the hearing health sector > S. Sarah E HUGHES P340 Development of the Functional Listening for Communication Item Banks: A mixed-methods content validation study > S. Sarah E HUGHES P341 Self-efficacy of families of hard-of-hearing children before and after a communicative attunement program via televideofeedback > J. Joseli BRAZOROTTO (Natal) P342 Refining the TeleRehabilitation Decision Support System for balance training among stroke survivors: a patient-centric approach > B. Brooke NAIRN (London) P343 FunSpeech: a tablet-based serious games promoting speech production skills in young children with hearing devices > M. Maelys LE MAGADOU (Genève) P344 A Novel Noninvasive Treatment for Microtia Using 3D Printing and Cartilage Conduction Technology to Improve Both Aesthetics and Function > T. Takanori NISHIYAMA (Tokyo) P345 Study on the Therapeutic Effect of a Novel Small Chemical Compound for Treating Acquired Hearing Loss > K-Y. Kyu-Yup LEE (Daegu) P346 Enhancing Music Perception in Senior Hearing Aid Users through Online Workshops > A. Andreanne SHARP (Québec) P347 Improving the delivery of hearing care information through GPT-4 enhanced by Wikipedia > H. Hector Gabriel Corrale De MATOS P348 The impact of Deaf culture on the delivery of rehabilitation services to deaf adults from the perspective of hearing health care professionals. > S. Sandie POULIN (Lévis) P349 Using deep learning to improve the intelligibility of a target speaker in noisy multi-talker environments for people with normal hearing and people with hearing loss > T. Tobias GOEHRING (Cambridge) P350 Deep learning models for predicting hearing thresholds of bone conduction based on air conduction > C. Chul Young YOON (Wonju) P351 Understanding the Impact of Hearing Loss and Evaluating Listening Conditions to Improve Speech Communication in Video Conferencing Calls > V. Vicky ZHANG (Sydney) P352 Body movement behaviours during online speech tasks via videoconferencing platform > V. Vicky ZHANG (Sydney) P353 Development of a Medical Kiosk for Hearing: Implementation of an Artificial Intelligence-Based Early Diagnosis System for Hearing Loss > S. Sunghwa YOU (Wonju) P354 Development of Artificial Intelligence Hearing Aid Chatbot > C. Chanbeom KWAK P355 Efficacy of Virtual Reality Pure-Tone Audiometry (VR PTA) in Audiologist Training: A Comparative Study > Y. Young Joon SEO (Seoul) P356 Educational Activities and Health Campaigns from 2022 to 2024 within Wikimedia Projects > H. Hector Gabriel Corrale De MATOS P357 A scoping review of using immersive technologies in medical education in the field of otolaryngology and audiology > A. Azadeh BORNA (Tehran) P358 Association between amblyopia and benign paroxysmal positional vertigo: a nationwide retrospective study > H-J. Haeng-Jin LEE P359 Adaptation, Validation and Reliability of the Telehealth Usability Questionnaire in Malay Version for Malay Hearing Aid Users > M. Mohd Fadzil Nor RASHID (Kelantan) P360 Comparison of endoscopic cartilage myringoplasty with and without trimming perforation margins and epithelium of malleus handle for repairing subtotal perforation > Z. Zhengcai LOU (Yiwu) P360 Comparison of endoscopic cartilage myringoplasty with and without trimming perforation margins and epithelium of malleus handle for repairing subtotal perforation > Z. Zhengcai LOU (Yiwu) P361 Comparison of long-term outcome of two endoscopic transtympanic myringoplasty for repairing large chronic perforations > Z. Zhengcai LOU (Yiwu) P362 Effect of packing versus no-packing in trans-perforation myringoplasty for chronic tympanic membrane perforations > Z. Zhengcai LOU (Yiwu) P363 Low-temperature plasma radiofrequency ablation tuboplasty and myringotomy: a preliminary report. > Z. Zhengcai LOU (Yiwu) P364 Development and evaluation of an intervention to improve the provision of mental wellbeing support within the audiology setting: the AIMER > R. Rebecca BENNETT P365 Automated volumetric analysis of inner ear fluid space from hydrops magnetic resonance imaging using 3D neural networks > C. Cha Dong YEO (Jeonju) P366 Association of sudden sensorineural hearing loss with increased risk of insomnia: a nationwide population-based cohort study > C. Cha Dong YEO (Jeonju) P368 Community based hearing aid fitting model for adults in low-income communities: a feasibility study > B. Bopane MOTHEMELA (Pretoria)

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