Eposter Gallery - Psychophysics & Music Perception

Psychophysics & Music Perception S187 > Eposter Gallery - Psychophysics & Music Perception Eposter Gallery Psychophysics & Music Perception

P383 Can infant speech discrimination be reliably assessed in a clinical setting? > K. Kristin UHLER (Aurora) P384 Predictable sequential structure inflates auditory sensitivity > N. Nadège MARIN (Paris) P385 Abnormally salient sounds for hearing-impaired listeners wearing hearing aids: Is it due to excessive loudness or distorted timbral characteristics? > A. Armand SCHWARZ P386 The effect of rehabilitation training based on temporal fine structure on speech in noise perception performance on elderly with mild to moderate hearing loss > P. Parisa RASOULI FARD (Tehran) P387 Significant Effect of Different Types of Speech Processor on Musical Perception in Adolescent Cochlear Implant Users. > S. Sevgi KADIHANOGLU (Kutahya) P388 Auditory temporal resolution and backward masking in musicians with absolute pitch > C. Camila Maia MAIA RABELO P389 Music rehabilitation for cochlear implant users > J. Jinsook KIM (Seoul) P390 Correlation between the Pure Tone Audiometry Results and the Subjective Hearing Benefit of Tympanoplasty > C. Cho CHANG HYUN P391 Spectrotemporal Representation of Sound along Auditory Pathway of Musicians with and Without Absolute Pitch: Pilot Study > C. Camila Maia MAIA RABELO P392 Meludia: a music tool for cochlear implant users > M. Miryam CALVINO (Madrid) P393 “It's about wanting to disappear from the world…” - A Phenomenological Analysis on the Meaning of Music and Hearing-Related Risks > I. Iris ELMAZOSKA (Örebro) P394 Temporal resolution and pitch discrimination in music education. Novel data in children. > G. Georgios PSARRIS (Athens)

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