Eposter Gallery - Screening and Diagnostic

Screening and Diagnostic S188 > Eposter Gallery - Screening and Diagnostic Eposter Gallery Screening and Diagnostic

P051 The impact of using the Ida “My Hearing Explained” tool on audiologists’ language and patient understanding of hearing test results: a comparison with standard audiogram explanations. > H. Helen WHISTON (Manchester) P395 Multi-label classification of otoscopy images for detailed assessment of tympanic condition using neural networks > A. Antoine PERRY (Metz) P396 Assessment of 20 disyllabic Albanian word lists for speech audiometry in normal hearing young adults and children > A. Adrien XHUVANI P397 Development of the QuickSIN Test in European Portuguese > M. Margarida SERRANO (Coimbra) P398 A hearing screening and intervention program for people with intellectual disability in their living environment for implementation in Germany > K. Katrin NEUMANN (Münster) P399 Model-based internationally compatible speech audiometry > A. Anna WARZYBOK-OETJEN (Oldenburg) P400 Screening for ocular involvement in deaf children : about 42 cases > O. Omayma BOURHT (Marrakech) P401 Post meningitis hearing loss from screening to hearing rehabilitation : about 518 cases > Y. Youssef LAKHDAR (Marrakech) P402 Hearing and Functionality: Analysis of the Rehabilitation Context > S. Stela Maris Aguiar LEMOS P403 Hearing screening in adults by a tablet-based application > M. Mariya BOBOSHKO P404 Measuring speech-in-noise performance every week across one year > M. Michael AKEROYD (Nottingham) P405 Cribado de hipoacusia infantil Hospital de Jerez > M. María RIVERA P406 Short-term effects of Acoustically Controlled Training in children with impaired school performance > M. Maria Francisca COLELLA-SANTOS (São Paulo) P407 Correlation of Auditory Brainstem Response Thresholds with Speech Perception in Quiet and Pure-Tone Audiometry in Adults > L. Laura JACXSENS (Antwerp) P408 Involving the community to increase access to cochlear implantation for ethnically diverse populations > J. Jane GALLACHER (Glasgow) P409 Deafness and health inequalities. The impact of socio-economic characteristics on hearing screening of a population aged 50 and over. > P. Pauline ROGER P410 Monitoring the evolution of an acoustic neuroma case in audiometric and speech-in-noise evaluation > I. Isabella SILVA (Brasília) P411 Digits in Noise Test in Brazilian Portuguese in schoolchildren: preliminary study > S. Sheila Andreoli BALEN (Natal) P412 Evaluation of a Digit-in-Noise test for inclusive auditory research and clinical applications > T. Thu Ngan DANG (Cambridge) P413 The Effects of Attention Mode and Stimulus Complexity on Dichotic Digit Listening in Noise > H. Hyunsook JANG (Chuncheon) P414 Impact of a paediatric meningitis referral protocol in South Africa > C. Cheri VAN ZYL (Cape Town) P415 Auditory outcomes in non-blast related traumatic brain injury and the role of severity, aetiology and gender: a scoping review > K. Kübra BÖLÜKBAS (Nottingham) P416 Study of the state and ways of improvement newborn hearing screening system in megalopolis > G. Gaziz TUFATULIN (St Petersburg) P417 Analysis of the current situation and potential for improvement in newborn hearing screening - planned study > R. Romina Jasmin FRENZEL (Berlin) P418 Feasibility of screening tools of fear of falling in older population with dizziness > S. Seung Ho SHIN (Seoul) P419 Survey of students and guardians for early detection of auditory processing disorder and listening difficulties in school-age students in Japan > H. Hirokazu SAKAMOTO (Osaka) P420 Breaking down barriers to Newborn hearing screening - who should undertake the screening? > S. Sphilile MBHELE (Durban) P421 Predicting aided speech-in-noise performance using the Audible Contrast Threshold test in Japanese hearing-aid users > T. Takanori NISHIYAMA (Tokyo) P422 Validation of a Korean Digits-in-Noise Test for Categorizing Hearing Loss Severity > H-J. Hyo-Jeong LEE (Anyang) P423 Lifecourse health and environmental influences on hearing in mid-life > J. Joan LEUNG (Auckland) P424 Development and Validation of a Hearing Telescreening Platform in the Brazilian Telehealth Program > S. Sheila BALEN P425 Cisplatin-induced ototoxicity > R. Rahmane HAMZAOUI (Oran) P426 Standardization of the COLT (Click Ordering Lateralization Test) in adults with normal hearing > C. Camila Maia MAIA RABELO P427 Longitudinal Follow-up of Neonatal Hearing Loss Identified in a Regional Reference Center. > C. Caroline BOUDOU (Dijon) P428 Validation of the AMTAS method for user operated pure tone audiometry in Sweden > E. Erik WITTE (Örebro) P429 Longitudinal Changes in Pure-Tone Thresholds Among Cochlear Hearing Loss Patients: A Retrospective Analysis > F. Franz ZENKER (Santa Cruz De Tenerife) P430 Adapting audiometric follow-up protocols to hearing loss risk factors in congenital cytomegalovirus patients > H. Hugo DELILLE (Paris) P431 The Relationships Between Hearing, Speech, Language, and Cognition in Typically Developing Children: First Steps in Understanding the Causes of Listening Difficulties > X. Xuehan ZHOU (Manchester) P432 Long-term follow-up in children with refer TEOAE and pass AABR at the newborn hearing screening > S. Silvia CAPOBIANCO (Pisa) P433 Remote Speech Audiometry: A Comparative Study with Conventional Methods > Y. Yuan CHEN (Hong Kong) P434 Effects of auditory training in subjects with chronic subdural hematoma > M. Milaine Dominici SANFINS P435 Can advanced Artificial Intelligence techniques be accepted as a clinical support tool to improve the diagnosis of ‘glue ear' in a primary care setting? A literature review > F. Fei ZHAO (Cardiff) P436 Hearing health in the 10th decade of life - prevalence of hearing loss and implications. > Å. Åsa WINZELL JUHLIN (Gothenburg) P437 Long-term hearing outcomes in children with congenital cytomegalovirus infection > M. Mirko ALDE' (Milan) P438 Relationship of Otoacoustic Emission (OAE) Test Results And the Level of Total Serum Bilirubin (TSB) in Neonates with Hyperbilirubinemia > J. James Leslie RONDAL (Ilocos Norte) P439 Barriers & enablers of providing universal newborn hearing screening at primary healthcare clinics in South Africa > M. Mukovhe PHANGUPHANGU (Durban) P440 Availability of resources for paediatric hearing care in a South African province > M. Mukovhe PHANGUPHANGU (Durban) P441 Age of detection of congenital and early-onset hearing loss in South African children: A systematic review and meta-analysis > M. Mukovhe PHANGUPHANGU (Durban) P442 Deep learning models for predicting types of hearing loss based on air conduction hearing thresholds > C. Chul Young YOON (Wonju) P444 Hearing results in children affected by congenital infectious diseases > E. Eleni TSAKIRAKI P445 Risk factors’ effect on abnormal auditory brainstem response: 8 years of newborn hearing screening implementation > M. Maria VRENTZOU P446 Self-reported hearing loss in urban Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander adults: unmeasured, unknown, and unmanageded. > A. Alice PENDER (Brisbane) P447 A scoping review of ear and hearing health in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people aged 15 years and older. > A. Alice PENDER (Brisbane) P448 An Automated Digits-In-Noise Hearing Test using Automatic Speech Recognition and Text-To-Speech: a Proof-of-Concept Study. > M. Mohsen FATEHIFAR (Manchester) P449 Audiological manifestations in patients with Granulomatosis with Polyangiitis > E. Eugenijus LESINSKAS (Vilnius) P450 Clinical Application of the Persian Version of Buffalo Model Questionnaire by examining Its correlation with the Buffalo Model Test Battery > S. Saeedeh KHAMISABADI (Tehran) P451 Assessment of Ototoxicity in Aerosolized Amikacin Therapy for Refractory Nontuberculous mycobacterial Lung Disease > J. Jiwon SEO (Changwon) P452 The contribution of expanded targeted screening to the detection of infants with CMV-related hearing loss > D. Daphne ARI-EVEN ROTH (Tel Aviv) P453 The development history of newborn hearing screening in China > L. Lihui HUANG (Beijing) P454 Advancing Development in Pediatric Auditory Health Care for Groups > L. Lihui HUANG (Beijing) P455 Behavioral tasks to probe listening difficulties in childrenen > H. Hanne FALCONE (Leuven) P456 The PEN Fa’aSamoa Initiative: an integrated platform for hearing and vision screening in Samoa. > A. Annette KASPAR (Apia) P457 Self-perceived quality of life and engagement in daily auditory activity after chemotherapy for breast cancer compared to healthy women > M. Milaine Dominici SANFINS P458 Application of Text-to-Speech Synthesis and Automatic Speech Recognition in speech audiometry > I. Inga HOLUBE (Oldenburg) P460 Efficacy of Steroid treatment for Sudden sensorineural hearing loss in patients with Vestibular schwannoma > S. Se A LEE (Bucheon) P461 Comparison of newborn hearing screening results between well baby and high-risk newborns: Analysis based on the national health policy in Thailand > K. Krittipong PARANGRIT (Chiangrai) P462 Caregiver perceptions on telehealth-based audiological services for infants delivered from a mobile health clinic. > S. Samantha GOVENDER (Pretoria) P463 The outcomes of a mobile tele-diagnostic auditory brainstem response service to rural communities in Winterveldt, Pretoria North, South Africa > S. Samantha GOVENDER (Pretoria) P464 Correlation Between Auditory Processing And Occupational Performance Of Office Workers > M. Maria DOMNOGLOU (Thessaloniki) P465 Development and Validation of the Frequency-Specific Hearing in Noisy Environments (FSHNE) Test: Unraveling Auditory Functionality in Real-World Environments for Precision Assessment. > S. Shashi RANJAN (Gurugram, Haryana) P466 Ototoxicity Monitoring as Part of the Emory Winship Head & Neck Multidisciplinary Cancer Clinic > D. Dana LIBMAN (Atlanta) P467 Association between HbA1c and Hearing Loss: A Tertiary care center- based Study > L. Lee HYUN JIN P468 Planning and Executing Thoughtful Outreach in Low and Middle Income Regions > J. Jackie L CLARK (Usa) P469 Comparison between the SiP-test (Situated Phoneme test) and conventional Swedish SIN (TiB)-test (Speech in Noise Test).: An experimental comparison of two methods for speech perception in people with Arabic as mother tongue. > S. Saridou ELPIDA P470 An Analysis of Hearing Status and Hearing Healthcare Utilization of Western Expatriates in Thailand > S. Shade KIRJAVA P471 Feasibility of Distortion-product Otoacoustic Emission in identification of Cisplatin-induced ototoxicity in adult cancer patients > J. Jitesh SAHOO (Mumbai)

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