Eposter Gallery - Vertigo and Balance Disorders

Vertigo and Balance Disorders S192 > Eposter Gallery - Vertigo and Balance Disorders Eposter Gallery Vertigo and Balance Disorders

P518 Establishing vHIT Norms for Vestibular Screening of Young and Healthy Adults > O. Oded BEN-ARI (Tel-Aviv) P519 Head impulse suppression paradigm: SHIMP vs HIMP > M. Manuela DEL CARMEN ZAPATA P520 Cognitive assessment in human patients equipped with a vestibulo-cochlear implant. > A. Anissa BOUTABLA (Annemasse) P521 Audiovestibular disorders in patients with benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) : A systematic review > M. Mustafa KARABULUT (Maastricht) P522 Relationship between vestibular loss and the risk of dementia using the 2002–2019 national insurance service survey in South Korea > J. June CHOI (Seoul) P523 Vestibular Evaluation in Pediatric Cochlear Implant Surgery: Preliminary Results > M. Maria Guadalupe NOGUES-VIZCAINO (Mexico City) P524 atelectasies vestibulaire:à propos de nos resultats > S. Samira MEDKOUR ÉPOUSE OTMANI P525 oVEMP measurements using the new bone conduction transducer B250 > B. Bo HÅKANSSON (Göteborg) P526 Balance and the risk of falls in elderly individuals: assessment of the effects of hearing rehabilitation > A. Ana Cláudia Figueiredo FRIZZO P527 The effects of vestibular rehabilitation and dual-task training on balance and gait in sub-acute and chronic stroke survivors > B. Brooke NAIRN (London) P528 Preoperative factors of developing chronic dizziness after vestibular schwannoma resection. > M. Masafumi UENO (Tokyo) P529 Simple dynamic stability indicators to characterise and diagnose patients suffering from severe bilateral vestibulopathy > G. Gautier GROUVEL P530 Can we differentiate a “conductive” from a “sensorineural” VOR impairment on vHIT? Superior canal dehiscence VS acute vestibular loss > A. Andrea CASTELLUCCI (Reggio Emilia) P531 Spontaneous Reversing Positional Nystagmus as a sign of simultaneous ampullary and non-ampullary Posterior Canal BPPV > A. Andrea CASTELUCCI P532 Preparation and validation of a screening questionnaire for disorders associated with epistabulic vestibular syndrome > G. Ganggang CHEN (Taiyuan) P533 A Descriptive Study Investigating Functional Balance in Deaf School-Aged Children: Towards the Adaptation and Validation of Subjective Questionnaires > S. Sphilile MBHELE (Durban) P534 Low-technology and inexpensive balance assessment tools for children with hearing loss: A scoping review > S. Sphilile MBHELE (Durban) P535 Association between gait disorders and presbyvestibulopathy in 75 years old and over > S. Sophie BOUCHER (Angers) P536 Auditory and Vestibular Changes caused by to the Use of Hydroxychloroquine > K. Karine MANGUEIRA NERES BASTOS (São Paulo) P537 Hyperacute assessment of vertigo in suspected Stroke > S. Stacy MORROW (Cheshire)

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