Wednesday, 02 November 2022
R 08:00 > 09:00 Registration Main Hall
OC 09:00 > 09:30 Opening Ceremony Amphithéâtre Poincaré
  • Director of the Institut de Chimie du CNRS : J. Jacques MADDALUNO
  • President of the Chemistry Department of the École polytechnique : T. Thierry GACOIN
  • President of the DCO : E. Emmanuelle SCHULZ (Orsay)
PL1 09:30 > 10:15 Margaret BRIMBLE Amphithéâtre Poincaré
  • Chair : E. Emmanuelle SCHULZ (Orsay)
PL1 Natural Product Synthesis: A Crucible for New Method Development and Drug Discovery > M. Margaret BRIMBLE (Auckland)
IL1 10:15 > 10:45 Louis-Charles CAMPEAU Amphithéâtre Poincaré
  • Chair : E. Emmanuelle SCHULZ (Orsay)
IL1 Changing the World, One Reaction at a Time > L-C. L.-C. CAMPEAU (Rahway)
FCE1 10:45 > 11:00 Flash communication exhibitors 1 Amphithéâtre Poincaré
  • Chair : O. Olivier BASLÉ (Toulouse)
CB1 11:00 > 11:30 Coffee Break - Sponsored by ACTIVATION Main Hall
PL2 11:30 > 12:15 Mélanie ETHEVE-QUELQUEJEU Amphithéâtre Poincaré
  • Chair : K. Kevin CARIOU (Paris)
PL2 RNA conjugates: from the synthesis to applications > M. Mélanie ETHEVE-QUELQUEJEU (Paris)
IL2 12:15 > 12:35 Yohan GISBERT (Dina Surdin PhD award) Amphithéâtre Poincaré
  • Chair : K. Kevin CARIOU (Paris)
IL2 Organometallic molecular motor derivatives for Single Molecule Force Spectroscopy experiments > Y. Yohan GISBERT (Groningen)
FCE2 12:35 > 12:50 Flash communication exhibitors 2 Amphithéâtre Poincaré
L1 12:50 > 14:05 Lunch Main Hall
OC1A 14:05 > 16:20 Oral Communications session #1A Sponsored by CHARM3AT Amphithéâtre Poincaré
  • Chair : A. Angélique FERRY (Cergy-Pontoise), X. Xavier GUINCHARD (Gif Sur Yvette)
14:05 O0C1 Electrocoupling - A Catalyst-free Alternative for C-C Bond Formation > D. Dorian DIDIER (München) 14:18 OC02 2-Amido-acroleins as a versatile platform for the synthesis of poly-functionalized silicon containing heterocycles > S. Stéphane GOLLING (Strasbourg) 14:31 OC03 First total synthesis of chaxalactin B > O. Ophélie MONTIEGE (Le Mans) 14:44 OC04 Bimetallic complexes of photoswitchable phosphines derived from nine-membered cyclic azobenzenes : synthesis, photochromic properties and uses in gold catalysis > N. Nawel GOUAL (Gif-Sur-Yvette) 14:57 OC05 Photoredox Generation of Oxygen-Centered Radicals: α-Alkoxylation and α-Trifluoromethoxylation of Carbonyl Compounds > G. Guillaume DAGOUSSET (Versailles) 15:10 OC06 Indirect Enantiocontrol of Tertiary Alcohols and Quaternary Centers by Acylative Organocatalytic Kinetic Resolution > X. Xueyang LIU (Marseille) 15:23 OC07 Excited State Intramolecular Proton Transfer based Fluorophores with Circularly Polarized Luminescence Emission > M. Max COEHLO (Gif-Sur-Yvette) 15:36 OC08 Merging Grubbs’ Second-Generation Catalyst with Photocatalysis Enables Z–Selective Metathesis of Olefins: Scope, Limitations, and Mechanism > S. Saif Eddine CHERIF (Toulouse) 15:49 OC09 Taming redox non-innocence of weak-field iron complexes : an opportunity in catalysis > G. Guillaume LEFEVRE (Paris) 16:02 OC34 A Gallium-Catalyzed C–H Propargylation of Arenes > S. Sophie RODRIGUES (Orsay)
OC1B 14:05 > 16:20 Oral Communications session #1B Amphithéâtre Gay-Lussac
  • Chair : J-P. Jean-Pierre DUTASTA (Lyon), M. Matthieu RAYNAL (Paris)
14:05 OC11 Charge-Accelerated [3,3] Rearrangement of Vinyl Sulfoniums: Stereodivergent Access to γ-Lactones and γ-Lactams. > N. Nicolas GILLAIZEAU-SIMONIAN (Wien) 14:18 OC12 Highly selective dearomatization of N-heteroarenes using well-defined low-valent cobalt hydrides > C. Cassandre BORIES (Paris) 14:31 OC13 Diastereoselective addition of redox active esters to azomethine imines by electrosynthesis > A. Arona FALL (Mont Saint-Aignan) 14:44 OC14 Catalytic amination of unactivated C–H bonds in the presence of electronically activated sites. > E. Erwan BRUNARD (Gif-Sur-Yvette) 14:57 OC15 Reactant-Induced Photoactivation of In Situ Generated Organogold Intermediates Leading to Alkynylated Indoles > M. Mehdi ABDELLAOUI (Paris) 15:10 OC16 Thermomorphic polyethylene-supported organocatalysts for the valorization of biomass and CO2 > N. Nicolas DUGUET (Villeurbanne) 15:23 OC17 Unprecedented insight into the structure of fatty-acid based (nano)materials enabled by mechanochemical 17O-labeling schemes > T-X. Thomas-Xavier METRO (Montpellier Cedex 5) 15:36 OC18 Investigation of new organic photosensitizing platforms for selective photodynamic therapy > C. Carlotta FIGLIOLA (Strasbourg Cedex 2) 15:49 OC19 Control of supramolecular architecture by structural variation of self-assembling cyclodextrins > R. Rebecca CHURAMANI (Paris) 16:02 OC20 In-cell synthesis of cytotoxic phenanthridine through bioorthogonal cyclization: the “Cycl’in-Cell” strategy > R. Raphael LABRUERE (Orsay)
OC1C 14:05 > 16:20 Oral Communications session #1C Amphithéâtre Pierre Faurre
  • Chair : E. Emmanuel GRAS (Toulouse Cedex 3), S. Sandrine PIGUEL (Orsay)
14:05 OC21 Revisiting N₂ Functionalization with Nucleophiles > A. Antoine SIMONNEAU (Toulouse Cedex 4) 14:18 OC22 Directed Palladium Catalyzed C-H (Ethoxycarbonyl)difluoromethylthiolation Reaction > F. Floriane DOCHE (Mont-Saint-Aignan) 14:31 OC23 Taming the reactivity of Phosphiranium ions : Recent progress in the development of selective C-centered ring-openings > C. Catherine TAILLIER (Le Havre Cedex) 14:44 OC24 Total Synthesis of Ophiorrhine A, G and Ophiorrhiside E Featuring a Bioinspired Intramolecular Diels–Alder Cycloaddition > W. Wei CAO (Orsay) 14:57 OC25 Transition-metal-free multi-component difunctionalization of [1.1.1]propellane > E. Expédite YEN-PON (Marseille) 15:10 OC26 Photoredox generation of isothiouronyl radical cations: A new platform in covalent radical catalysis > G. Gaétan ARCHER (Villeurbanne) 15:23 OC27 Late-stage functionalization of a fluorescent scaffold to afford a new generation of large Stokes shift red-emitting dyes with promising properties for biological imaging > E. Eléonore TACKE (Gif-Sur-Yvette) 15:36 OC28 Transition-Metal-Free Silylation of Unactivated C(sp2)–H Bonds with tert-Butyl-Substituted Silyldiazenes > C. Clément CHAUVIER (Paris) 15:49 OC29 Simplified Green-emitting Single-Layer Phosphorescent Organic light-emitting diodes with an external quantum efficiency > 22% > F. Fabien LUCAS (Palaiseau) 16:02 OC30 Hydrogen Isotope Exchange via in-situ generated catalytic rhodium nanoparticles > K. Kevin TATOUEIX (Gif-Sur-Yvette Cedex)
EI 16:20 > 16:25 EurJOC Intervention Amphithéâtre Poincaré
PL3 16:25 > 17:10 Eric MEGGERS – EurJOC WILEY Lecture Amphithéâtre Poincaré
  • Chair : J. Jeanne CRASSOUS (Rennes Cedex)
PL3 Steering Asymmetric Catalysis with Metal-Centered Chirality > E. Eric MEGGERS (Marburg)
GP 17:10 > 17:15 Group Picture Main Hall
PB1 17:15 > 18:00 Poster session #1 & Juice/Beer Break Main Hall
Thursday, 03 November 2022
PL4 09:00 > 09:45 Shū KOBAYASHI Amphithéâtre Poincaré
  • Chair : F. Frédéric LAMATY (Montpellier)
PL4 Environment, Human Health, and Energy: Catalysts Play Key Roles Toward Sustainable Society > S. Shu KOBAYASHI (Tokyo)
PL5 09:45 > 10:30 Véronique MICHELET (DCO Prize) Amphithéâtre Poincaré
  • Chair : F. Frédéric LAMATY (Montpellier)
PL5 A Journey in Gold Catalysis Towards Diversity: from Heterocycles to Fragrances > V. Veronique MICHELET (Nice)
FCE3 10:30 > 10:45 Flash communication exhibitors 3 Amphithéâtre Poincaré
  • Chair : O. Olivier BASLÉ (Toulouse)
CB2 10:45 > 11:15 Coffee Break - Sponsored by OXELTIS Main Hall
IL3 11:15 > 11:45 Juliette MARTIN Amphithéâtre Poincaré
  • Chair : M. Morgan DONNARD (Strasbourg)
IL3 Biocatalysis: a Necessary Tool for Synthetic Chemist – a Focus on Industrial Applications > J. Juliette MARTIN (Nîmes)
IL4 11:45 > 12:15 Thomas POISSON (J.M. Lehn Prize) Amphithéâtre Poincaré
  • Chair : M. Morgan DONNARD (Strasbourg)
IL4 Photocatalytic and Electromediated Borylation and Silylation Reactions > T. Thomas POISSON (Mont Saint-Aignan)
PL6 12:15 > 13:00 Laurence MULARD Amphithéâtre Poincaré
  • Chair : M. Morgan DONNARD (Strasbourg)
PL6 Synthetic glycan-based vaccines to combat bacterial diseases: from concept to immunogenicity in human > L. Laurence MULARD (Paris Cedex 15)
L2 13:00 > 14:15 Lunch Main Hall
OC2A 14:15 > 16:30 Oral Communications session #2A Sponsored by Syngenta Amphithéâtre Poincaré
  • Chair : F. Florence MAHUTEAU-BETZER (Orsay Cedex), B. Boris VAUZEILLES (Gif-Sur-Yvette)
14:15 OC31 Design of protein-based platforms for sugars multivalency > M. Marie SCHULER (Orléans) 14:28 OC32 Fluorine-Activated Additive-Free Vitrimers > E. Eric LECLERC (Montpellier Cedex 5 France) 14:41 OC33 A Bis-Acridinium Macrocycle as Multi-Responsive Receptor and component of a Switchable [2]rotaxane > J. Johnny HU (Strasbourg) 14:54 OC10 Identification of protein targets of an inhibitor of viral infection using an affinity-based probe > E. Emmanuelle THINON (Pessac) 15:07 OC35 Reassessment of the reducing power of Breslow-type derivatives in NHC-catalyzed reactions. > L. Ludivine DELFAU (Gières) 15:20 OC36 Cascade [3,3]-sigmatropic rearrangements involving (cyclopropyl)vinyl azides: Synthesis of highly substituted seven-membered rings > T. Thomas ABEGG (Paris) 15:33 OC37 Chemoenzymatic synthesis of DNA and XNA oligonucleotides > N. Nazarii SABAT (Paris) 15:46 OC38 Simultaneous Control of Central and Helical Stereogenic Elements on Small Molecules > A. Arthur GAUCHERAND (Marseille) 15:59 OC39 Photoswitchable GlycoMacrocycles, from synthesis to their chiroptical properties and potential applications > S. Stéphane MAISONNEUVE (Gif-Sur-Yvette) 16:12 OC40 Tracking G4 ligand distribution in cells by a guided immunofluorescence methodology > D. Daniela VERGA (Orsay)
OC2B 14:15 > 16:30 Oral Communications session #2B Amphithéâtre Gay-Lussac
  • Chair : F. Florian LUTTRINGER (Montpellier), C. Cyril OLLIVIER (Paris)
14:15 OC41 Bioinspired lipidic alkynylcarbinols as anticancer agents > M. Margaux BOSSUAT (Toulouse) 14:28 OC42 Asymmetric Inverse-Electron-Demand Diels-Alder Cycloaddition between 2-Pyrones and Acyclic Enol Ethers: Gram-Scale Total Synthesis of (+)-Lucidumone > G. Guanghao HUANG (Orsay) 14:41 OC43 Synthesis, characterizations and applications of haloazaphosphatranes > A-D. Anne-Doriane MANICK (Marseille) 14:54 OC44 Intramolecular hydrosilylation of alkynes by electro-reductive nickel catalysis > M. Mathias REBOLI (Mont-Saint-Aignan) 15:07 OC45 Synthesis of aziridines and reactivity of ketenes in flow > I. Isabelle MARCHAND (Grenoble Cedex 9) 15:20 OC46 Martin’s Spirosilane-based Pentacoordinated Organosilicons: Synthesis, Optical Resolution & Configurational Stability > T. Thomas DEIS (Paris) 15:33 OC47 Synthesis of photochromic siloles by Pd-catalyzed reaction between a silacyclopropene and terminal alkynes: scope and mechanistic insights > M. Marc DEVILLARD (Rennes) 15:46 OC48 Continuous Flow Chemistry Process for the catalytic Functionalization of Biomass Derivatives > G. Gredy KIALA (Paris) 15:59 OC49 Fluorogenic dimers as bright switchable probes for enhanced super-resolution imaging of cell membranes > R. Rémi PELLETIER (Illkirch) 16:12 OC50 Cycloadditions of π-Allylpalladium(II) intermediates towards Medium-Sized N-Heterocycles > A. Anaïs SCUILLER (Palaiseau)
OC2C 14:15 > 16:30 Oral Communications session #2C Amphithéâtre Pierre Faurre
  • Chair : H. Hugo MADEC (Paris), S. Stephanie NORSIKIAN (Gif-Sur-Yvette)
14:15 OC51 Straightforward Access to Multifunctional pi-Conjugated P-Heterocycles Featuring an Internal Ylidic Bond > P-A. Pierre-Antoine BOUIT (Rennes) 14:28 OC52 Photocatalysis with super organic electron donors > J. Julie BROGGI (Marseille) 14:41 OC53 Synthesis, Reactivity, and Functionalization of Endoperoxides: Application in Total Synthesis > L. Laurent FERRIE (Chatenay - Malabry) 14:54 OC54 Development of a new cycloaddition/fragmentation reaction sequence > F. Flavie RAMBAUD (Orsay) 15:07 OC55 Organocatalysts confined within the cavity of cyclodextrins > K. Kajetan BIJOUARD (Gif-Sur-Yvette Cedex) 15:20 OC56 Iron-Catalysed Intermolecular Oxyamination of Alkenes Using Hydroxylamine Derivatives as Clean Nitrogen Sources > G. Georgina KIRBY (Paris) 15:33 OC57 Modular approach to substituted pyridoazepinones > V. Valentin DOROKHOV (Palaiseau) 15:46 OC58 Mechanosynthesis of Iminosydnone-based APIs > N. Nicolas PETRY (Montpellier Cedex 5) 15:59 OC59 Development of Highly Efficient Cyclic(alkyl)(amino)carbene Ruthenium Complexes for Olefin Metathesis > A. Antonio DEL VECCHIO (Rennes) 16:12 OC60 Site Selective Palladium(II)-Catalyzed C(sp3)–H Methylene Diarylation of a Tropane scaffold > M. Mayssa ZAYENE (Châtenay Malabry)
PL8 16:30 > 17:15 Sukbok CHANG Amphithéâtre Poincaré
  • Chair : S. Samir MESSAOUDI (Châtenay Malabry)
PL8 Development of C-H Amidation Reactions via Nitrenoid Transfer Pathway > S. Sukbok CHANG (Daejeon)
PB2 17:15 > 18:00 Poster session #2 & Juice/Beer Break Main Hall
Friday, 04 November 2022
PL9 09:15 > 10:00 Timothy NOEL – SANOFI Lecture Amphithéâtre Poincaré
  • Chair : A. Anis TLILI (Villeurbanne)
PL9 Innovation in HAT photocatalysis through use of flow > T. Timothy NOEL (Amsterdam)
PL10 10:00 > 10:45 Clémence ALLAIN Amphithéâtre Poincaré
  • Chair : A. Anis TLILI (Villeurbanne)
PL10 Luminescent mechano-responsive molecules and materials: from molecular engineering towards the elaboration of smart materials > C. Clémence ALLAIN (Gif-Sur-Yvette)
CB3 10:45 > 11:15 Coffee Break Main Hall
PL11 11:15 > 12:00 Jean-Guy BOITEAU (Yves Chauvin Prize) Amphithéâtre Poincaré
  • Chair : A. Angela MARINETTI (Gif-Sur-Yvette)
PL11 Process Research and Development of API’s: case studies > J-G. Jean-Guy BOITEAU (Sophia-Antipolis)
PL12 12:00 > 12:45 Monica PEREZ-TEMPRANO – CHARM3AT Lecture Amphithéâtre Poincaré
  • Chair : A. Angela MARINETTI (Gif-Sur-Yvette)
PL12 Deciphering mechanims to design better catalytic reactions > M. Mónica PÉREZ-TEMPRANO (Tarragona)
L3 12:45 > 14:00 Lunch Main Hall
PL7 14:00 > 14:45 Nicolas GIUSEPPONE Amphithéâtre Poincaré
  • Chair : M. Matthieu SOLLOGOUB (Paris)
PL7 Artificial molecular machines that work at all scales > N. Nicolas GIUSEPPONE (Strasbourg)
PL13 14:45 > 15:30 Sarah REISMAN – MINAKEM Lecture Amphithéâtre Poincaré
  • Chair : M. Matthieu SOLLOGOUB (Paris)
PL13 Necessity is the Mother of Invention: Natural Products and the Chemistry They Inspire > S. Sarah REISMAN (Pasadena)
POCA 15:30 > 16:00 Poster & oral communication awards Amphithéâtre Poincaré
CC 16:00 > 17:00 Closing Ceremony Amphithéâtre Poincaré


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