Eposter Gallery - Auditory Objective Measures

Auditory Objective Measures S177 > Eposter Gallery - Auditory Objective Measures Eposter Gallery Auditory Objective Measures

P139 correlation between auditory brainstem response and auditory steady state response in children with severe to profound hearing loss > Y. Youssef LAKHDAR (Marrakech) P140 correlation between early auditory auditory evoked potentials and auditory evoked potentials in children with severe with severe to profound hearing loss > A. Aitlhadj MED AMINE P141 Forward masking in cortical auditory evoked potentials with speech stimuli in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder > P. Pedro MENEZES (Maceió) P142 Developing a clinically viable cortical assessment package for evaluating aided benefit > A. Amanda GOODHEW (Bath) P143 Reliability of connectivity for the assessment of hearing perception in cochlear implants’ recipients > D. Davide BROTTO (Padova) P144 Pre-surgical 3D modelling based on segmented Dyna-CT images helps to access the human stapedius muscle surgically > G. Gerd Fabian VOLK (Jena) P145 Impact of Covid-19 on the auditory system of infants whose mothers had Covid-19 during pregnancy and of children and adolescents in the post-acute phase > M. Maria Francisca COLELLA-SANTOS (São Paulo) P146 Evaluation of Cognitive Functions with P300 in Individuals Diagnosed with Alzheimer's Disease: Comparison of Nursing Home and Family Settings. > A. Asuman KÜÇÜKÖNER (Samsun) P147 Repetition positivity and sound intensity changes in normal listeners > B. Busra ALTIN (Ankara) P149 Music and Hearing in the First Year of Life: A Systematic Literature Review on Inter Stimulus Intervals Used in Auditory Evoked Potentials. FAPESP grant: 2022/15553-4 > P. Paula SAID (Bauru) P150 Intraoperative assessment of cochlear nerve functionality in various vestibular schwannoma scenarios: lessons learned > L. Luis LASSALETTA (Madrid) P151 Effect of modulated masking on electrophysiological and behavioral measures > P. Pedro MENEZES (Maceió) P153 MRI and EEG indicators of the neural bases of auditory processing disorder > S. Suzanne PURDY (Auckland) P154 Multifrequency ECochG Intraoperative Monitoring during Cochlear Implantation: Surgical Considerations > P. Piotr SKARZYNSKI (Poland) P155 Effect of noise on the temporal and frontocentral auditory cortical responses > Z. Zohreh AHMADI (Ottawa) P156 Auditory evaluation in children and adolescents with cancer: impacts of differents types of treatments > M. Michele BRAGANTI (Sorocaba) P157 Auditory Neural Responses and Communication Function in Children with Prenatal Exposure to the Zika Virus > L. Linda HOOD (Franklin) P158 The interphase gap (IPG) effect on electrically evoked compound action potential recorded from cochlear implant users with varied deaf duration > J-S. Jeong-Seo KIM (Seoul) P159 The Importance of Conducting Auditory Brainstem Evoked Potentials in the Screening of Hearing Loss > G. Graça OLIVEIRA P160 Overcoming Limitations to the Utilization of Extended-High Frequency Otoacoustic Emissions for Ototoxicity Monitoring > L. Laura DREISBACH (San Diego) P162 Cortical Auditory Evoked Potential in Asymptomatic Congenital Cytomegalovirus Infection > L. Luara Rezende MADEIRA P163 The effect of auditory masking on error-related negativity (ERN): A pilot study > Z. Zohreh AHMADI (Ottawa) P164 Comparison of Three Methods for Measuring the Summation Potential (SP) and Action Potential (AP) in Tympanic Electrocochleography > F. Franz ZENKER (Santa Cruz De Tenerife) P165 Electroencephalographic measurements of auditory development in the first year of life > C. Clémence BASIRE (Paris) P166 Wideband absorbance in differential diagnosis of otosclerosis > I. Iva KELAVA (Zagreb) P167 Investigating the Effect of Cochlear Implant Usage Metrics on Cortical Auditory-Evoked Potential Responses in Adult Recipients Post-Implantation > C. Caris BOGDANOV (Perth) P168 Objective brain measures to detect uncomfortable loudness levels for improving the fitting process of cochlear implants > J. Josef SEEBACHER (Innsbruck) P169 Correlation between mean auditory thresholds on the PEA and ASSR, in children with severe to profound sensorineural hearing loss. > Z. Zoubeida SERRADJI P170 Auditory Steady State Response (ASSR) as an objective hearing measurement in nonagenarians > Å. Åsa WINZELL JUHLIN (Gothenburg) P171 Wideband Tympanometry in Unilateral Sudden Hearing loss > M. Maisa NASSAR (Arraba) P172 The auditory steady state response, and the relationship between electrophysiological and behavioral thresholds > M. Milaine Dominici SANFINS P173 Objective brain measures to detect uncomfortable loudness levels for improving the fitting process of cochlear implants > J. Josef SEEBACHER (Innsbruck) P174 Is there an association between the results of middle and long-latency auditory evoked potentials and central auditory processing behavioral tests? > A. Andressa PELAQUIM (Londrina) P175 Acoustic Reflex Amplitude Growth in Young Adults > S. Seisse Gabriela G SANCHES P176 AIM provides real-time feedback to the cochlear implant surgeon for optimal and atraumatic electrode insertions > U. Unai MARTTINEZ DE ESTIBARIZ P177 Cochlear affection in obese children > M. Mohammed GOMAA (Minia) P178 Objective measurement of audibility for patients with bone conduction devices using a new skin microphone > A-C. Ann-Charlotte PERSSON (Gothenburg) P179 The relationship between the electrically evoked stapedius reflex threshold and stimulus burst duration in pediatric cochlear implant users – preliminary data > A. Adam WALKOWIAK (Kajetany) P180 Behavioral and electrophysiological auditory processing assessment in children after traumatic brain injury > M. Milaine Dominici SANFINS P181 CI electrode impedance as an indirect biomarker for residual hearing > W. Wilhelm WIMMER (Munich) P182 Evaluation of auditory pathway in migraine patients: The proposal of auditory migraine > O. Ozan GOKDOGAN (Mugla) P183 Peripheral and central auditory system in adults after COVID-19 infection > M. Maria Vanderléia Araujo MAXIMIANO (São Paulo) P184 Cortical auditory evoked potentials in children with specific learning disorders > M. Maria Vanderléia Araujo MAXIMIANO (São Paulo) P185 Stimulus-Frequency Otoacoustic Emissions: Test Retest Reliability > S. Seisse Gabriela Gandolfi SANCHES P186 Modifications on the Auditory P300 induced by ventriculoperitoneal shunting on normal pressure hydrocephalus: preliminary results > L. Lucas PINTO MIELLE (São Paulo) P187 High frequency distorsion products of otoacoustic emissions (DPOAE): a little-used audiological tool – identification of factors affecting responses in a pediatric population. > M. Marine HAUCHERE (Clermont-Ferrand) P188 Optimising cochlear nerve monitoring in vestibular schwannoma (VS) removal with ANTS test electrode. > S. Simone VOLPERT (Düsseldorf) P189 Auditory Evoked Potentials before and after the use of Continuous Positive Airway Pressure in individuals with Obstructive Sleep Apnea > M. Maris FARBER P191 Auditory Steady-state Response and Behavioral Assessment in children: comparing results > A. Ana Carolina Andrade VALADARES P192 Auditory P300 monitoring on the cerebrospinal fluid Tap-test: preliminary results > L. Liliane Aparecida Fagundes SILVA P193 Using cortical auditory evoked potentials in middle ear and bone conduction implant users: An objective method to optimise the fitting. > L. Lorenzo VIGNALI (Thaur) P194 Effect of Aging on Speech Discrimination > J. Ji Won CHOI (Daejeon) P195 Intranasal dexmedetomidine for sedation in ABR testing in children > A. Ana GIORDANO (Nice)

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