Eposter Gallery - Basic and Translational Research

Basic and Translational Research S178 > Eposter Gallery - Basic and Translational Research Eposter Gallery Basic and Translational Research

P196 Optimizing the simultaneous identification of the three type I spiral ganglion neuron subtypes in models of genetic forms of deafness. > T. Talya INBAR (Paris) P197 The Impact of Service Quality on the Satisfaction of Patients for Audiology Services in ENT Clinic of a Government Hospital, Colombo District, Sri Lanka > S. Shanika JAYATHILAKA (Dummalasuriya) P198 Does the condition of the contralateral ear influence the success of tympanoplasty ? > Y. Yacine MOUSSAOUI (Algiers) P199 Is cartilage more effective in treatment of type I tympanoplasty ? > Y. Yacine MOUSSAOUI (Algiers) P200 Musical training and development of auditory skills in early childhood: A systematic review. FAPESP grant: 2022/15553-4 > P. Paula SAID (Bauru) P202 Building the bridge for holistic hearing healthcare in Canada: empowering audiologists to appreciate their integral role in primary care > B. Bonnie COOKE (Kingston) P203 Evidence-based audiological practice in Sweden - a national survey > M. Maria HOFF (Gothenburg) P204 Improving the psychosocial and emotional well-being of adults with hearing loss through co-designed evidence based communication education programs: ACE2.0 > N. Nerina SCARINCI  (Australia) P205 Exploring factors influencing engagement of interpreters with hearing care professionals > J. John NEWALL P206 ?osten`s syndrome in children > M. Mariia MARKOVA (Moscow) P207 Sex differences in auditory function and behavior across age in the DBA2 mice model > J-W. Ja-Won KOO (Seongnam) P208 Factors influencing the use of hearing services among adults from diverse ethnic communities in Australia > N. Nerina SCARINCI  (Australia) P209 Adaptation and Validation of the Chronic Otitis Media Outcome Test-15 (COMOT-15) in French and Spanish > M. Maja OLSSON (Gothenburg) P210 Psychosocial, Occupational and Financial Situation of Parents of Children with Cochlear Implants > A. Angelika ILLG (Hannover) P211 Hearing loss Quality of Life, Loneliness and Self-Esteem in adult Patients with Cochlear Implant > A. Angelika ILLG (Hannover) P212 Micro-CT analysis of rodent temporal bones: Identifying optimal species for otological research > H. Hannah DAOUDI (Saint Mandeparis) P213 Association between social determinants of health and hearing loss: A cross-sectional study > M. Mukovhe PHANGUPHANGU (Durban) P214 Prevalence and pattern of ear disease among primary school students in Samoa: Preliminary survey results from urban, rural and remote school settings. > A. Annette KASPAR (Apia) P215 Enhancing An Ear and Hearing Program for a Philippine cleft palate population: Exploring Hearing and Hearing-related Symptoms > K. Katrien KESTENS (Ghent) P216 Audiology practice during COVID > M. Maha ZAITOUN (Irbid) P217 Utility of using Performing Arts to disseminate information about communication disorders and its service availability- a study from rural south India > V. Vishnu SARAVANA (Chennai) P218 The effect of background noise and hearing aid on conversational outcomes by older individuals with different auditory and cognitive profiles > S. Susan ALIAKBARY HOSSEINABADI P219 Occupational Stress in UK Audiologists > R. Ryan PHILLIPS (Isle Of Anglesey) P220 Comparative performance of bilingual speakers on the English and Cantonese versions of the Hearing in Noise Test (HINT) > J. Janice Siu Yi YAU (Tampa) P221 Widex technologies and music > B. Bertrand PHILIPPON (Paris) P222 Insights from a multi-national virtual peer learning student initiative on Person-Centered Care > F. Faheema MAHOMED-ASMAIL (Pretoria) P223 Cycle of Silence - A qualitative investigation. > A. Alice PENDER (Brisbane) P224 Accessibility Of Audiological Services For Culturally And Linguistically Diverse Communities: A Systematic Review > C. Cailyn FURZE (Sydney) P225 Professional Experiences of Psychosocial and Behavioural Difficulties in Children who are Deaf and Hard of Hearing. > E. Emily FAGAN (Brisbane) P226 Knowledge and attitudes of Pacific Islander doctors and medical students to childhood hearing loss and hearing services: Results of a structured questionnaire survey in Samoa. > A. Annette KASPAR (Apia) P227 Awareness and perceptions of university nursing students in Samoa towards childhood hearing impairment and hearing healthcare: A cross-sectional study. > A. Annette KASPAR (Apia) P228 Knowledge and attitudes of school principals towards childhood hearing loss and hearing services: A cross-sectional survey to support the implementation of Inclusive Education in Samoa. > A. Annette KASPAR (Apia) P229 Knowledge and attitudes of female caregivers in Samoa to childhood hearing loss and hearing services. > A. Annette KASPAR (Apia) P230 Experiences of South African unemployed speech therapists and audiologists post community service > N. Nomfundo MOROE (Johannesburg) P231 Assessment of clinical competence of audiology students: A global perspective > R. Renee GARUCCIO (Melbourne) P232 Development and validation of the Hearing and Functioning in Everyday Life Questionnaire (HFEQ) > E. Elin KARLSSON (Orebro) P233 Examining the Experience of Hearing Loss-Related Disability through the Lens of the ICF > E. Elin KARLSSON (Orebro) P234 Influence of absence of the mallear handle on hearing > Z. Zihan LOU (Shanghai) P235 Healing Comparison in Rats with and without the Malleus Handle in Acute Tympanic Membrane Perforation > Z. Zihan LOU (Shanghai) P236 Assessing the efficacy of HEARS, a novel community-based hearing care program, for older Canadians with untreated hearing loss > M. Marilyn REED (Toronto) P238 Primary Ear and Hearing Care tasks sharing training for Zimbabwe and Zambia health and community workers > D. Diego Jose SANTANA HERNANDEZ P239 Microstructure of cholesteatomas as a risk factor for bone damage based on analysis in a scanning electron microscope > A. Agnieszka WIATR (Kraków) P240 Degenerative disease of the head of stapes in the course of otosclerosis as assessed by scanning electron microscopy > M. Maciej WIATR (Kraków) P241 Association between Hearing Loss and the Incidence of Ischemic Stroke: A Nationwide Population-based Study in Korea > K. Kyoung Ho PARK (Seoul) P242 Development of a practice guideline for enhancing communication in hearing families with deaf children in rural areas of the Eastern cape, South Africa > N. Nomataru GONTSE

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