Eposter Gallery - Noise Exposure

Noise Exposure S185 > Eposter Gallery - Noise Exposure Eposter Gallery Noise Exposure

P369 Hearing Protection Fit Testing: Training Generalization Between High-Fidelity Hearing Protection Devices > C. Conner JANSEN (Dallas) P370 Videogaming - A risk factor for Hearing loss? > S. Snithin SASHEENDRAN (Abu Dhabi) P371 Systemic administration of human umbilical cord perivascular cells reduces noise-induced inflammation in the brain and cochlea in a rat model of noise-induced hearing loss. > S. Subhendu MUKHERJEE (Toronto) P372 The association between occupational noise exposure and speech perception in young adults > L. Lucile LACOMME (Montréal) P373 Evaluating the Diagnostic Performance of Occupational Noise Exposure assessment in ENT Consultations for Patients with Age-Related Hearing Loss: A Monocentric French Study > S. Sophie BOUCHER (Angers) P374 Cortical auditory evoked potential in normal-hearing individuals exposed to occupational noise > M. Mariana Keiko KAMITA (São Paulo) P375 Audiometric Assessment of Mozambican Mineworkers who work/ed in South Africa: A Pilot Study Investigating Audiogram Quality in a Health Facility Setting in Mozambique > N. Nomfundo MOROE (Johannesburg) P376 Exploring Engineering Students' Awareness of Noise and Its Impact on Hearing: A Mixed-Methods Study" > N. Nomfundo MOROE (Johannesburg) P377 Audiological methods for early hearing detection among noise- and chemical-exposed medical personnels > R. Ramida DINDAMRONGKUL (Songkhla) P378 Optimizing a Classification Model to Evaluate Individual Susceptibility to Noise-induced Hearing Loss > S. Shiyuan LI (Shanghai) P379 Exploring Individual Responses to Noise in Diverse Environments > M. Monica NECULAU (Toronto) P380 Perilymphatic fistula due to primary blast effect. Videonystagmographic evaluation > K. Kacim SALHI P381 Sensorineural deafness due to the primary effect of the Blast ; What support ? > K. Kacim SALHI P382 Perilymphatic fistula due to primary blast effect. Videonystagmographic evaluation > K. Kacim SALHI

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