Eposter Gallery - Tinnitus and Hypercusis

Tinnitus and Hypercusis S191 > Eposter Gallery - Tinnitus and Hypercusis Eposter Gallery Tinnitus and Hypercusis

P487 Functional near-infrared spectroscopy for cortical evaluation of tinnitus > M. Mariana LOPES MARTINS (João Pessoa) P488 A questionnaire study on delayed tinnitus evaluation and associated symptoms among Chinese immigrants > P. Preston HO P489 Extended High-Frequency Hearing Thresholds in Tinnitus with a Normal Audiogram: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis > Z. Zahra JAFARI (Halifaz) P490 Functioning aspects in tinnitus guidelines: a scoping review > S. Stela Maris Aguiar LEMOS P491 Short term effect of simultaneous CBT and TRT for Tinnitus treatment: Analysis by subjective survey and objective quantitative electroencephalogram (qEEG) > H-C. Hong-Chan KIM P492 Analysis and comparison of clinical practice guidelines regarding treatment recommendations for chronic tinnitus in adults > D. Diane SMIT (Utrecht) P493 Prevalence and Profile of Tinnitus in Puerto Rican Adults > S. Soami SANTIAGO DE SNYDER P494 Auditory Training for the Relief of Tinnitus > F. Fátima Cristina BRANCO-BARREIRO P495 A Stroop Test with Auditory and Visual Stimuli for Tinnitus Patients Evaluation: Concordance with the Original Test > F. Fátima Cristina BRANCO-BARREIRO P496 Tinnitus and mild to moderate hearing loss, how to take care of them? > R. Romane PULLARA P497 Effectiveness of Computer-Mediated Educational Counseling for Tinnitus Relief: A Randomized Controlled Trial > D. Donghyeok LEE (Seoul) P498 The Effectiveness of Microcurrent Stimulation Combined with Sound Therapy for Tinnitus Relief > D. Donghyeok LEE (Seoul) P499 Treating tinnitus in thermal springs. Analyzing results using self-evaluation questionnaires > E. Estelle BOULON P500 Tinnitus Clinical and Epidemiological Aspect > L. Lakhdar SEROUR (Oran) P501 First insights from a digital therapeutic for tinnitus > M. Maren STROPAHL (Zurich) P502 Tinnitus Intervention: Innovations, Trends and Strategies > T. Tricia SCAGLIONE (Plantation) P503 Systematic Analysis of Hyperacusis Questionnaires in Clinics > G. Gyungsik JEON (Chuncheon) P504 Correlates of Anxiety and Depression in Tinnitus Complaints > V. Vasco OLIVEIRA (Porto) P505 Cochlear Function in Patients with Normal Hearing and Tinnitus > G. Gayane SARGSYAN (Yerevan) P506 Food supplement therapy Audistim : Randomized double-blind trial in chronic tinnitus > D. Didier PORTMANN (Bordeaux) P507 Effectiveness of Enriched Acoustic Environment (EAE) compared to white noise in the treatment of tinnitus: Preliminary results of a four-month intervention > M. Marta FERNANDEZ-LEDESMA (Madrid) P508 Validation of the Swedish version of the Tinnitus Functional index > M. Maryam TAMMELIN P509 Bidirectional association between tinnitus and Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo > K. Kim SANGHOON P510 Tinnitus, dreams and awakening: new insights and theoretical implications > R. Robin GUILLARD (Paris) P511 AudioVitality’s low-frequency vibroacoustic stimulation, its effect on HRV, and implications for tinnitus management > F. Falco ENZLER (Lausanne) P512 Use of Some Relevant Parameters for Primary Prediction of Brain Activity in Idiopathic Tinnitus Based on a Machine Learning Applicati > M. Maryam SADEGHIJAM (Tehran) P513 Effect of cochlear implant, bone conduction device and contralateral routing of sound hearing aid on tinnitus in single-sided deafness > K. Kelly K.S. ASSOULY P514 Improving audiology student training by clinical simulation of tinnitus: a glimpse of tinnitus lived experience > P. Pierre BOUREZ P515 Research Dissemination & Knowledge Translation in Audiology Practice > S. Samer MOHSEN (Damascus) P516 Assessment of the effectiveness of video-viewing and online group-based educational counseling for tinnitus relief > D. Donghyeok LEE (Seoul) P517 Tinnitus blast treatment protocols > K. Kacim SALHI

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